Short Stories + Essays

Joe Moldover has published a number of short stories, some of which are available online. They are often published under the pseudonym “Joseph Sloan.”

I Embark on the Hero’s Journey of filling my Insulin Prescription appeared in McSweeney’s Internet Tendency on August 2, 2024. A satire of literary analysis and the health care system, it had not yet drawn any lawsuits from the pharmaceutical industry.

String, a short story about about one brother struggling to care for another, appeared in Voyage YA by Uncharted in 2022.

The Far Side of the Lake, a (very) short piece of flash fiction, was published in Monkeybicycle in summer 2019.

Sammy Proctor, the story of a lonely, lost boarding school student as seen through the eyes of his roommate, appeared in issue two of The James Franco Review.

Every Other Emily, the author’s first piece of published Young Adult literature, appeared in One Teen Story in the fall of 2015.

Without Notice, a nonfiction piece written about the author’s own diagnosis with Type 1 Diabetes (the inspiration for Matt’s condition in Every Moment After), appeared in the Bethlehem Writers Roundtable.

Matthew tells the story of a boy with Autism who is trying to find his way at summer camp. It appeared in Hyperlexia, a journal devoted entirely to work by and about individuals on the Autism Spectrum.

Valentine’s Day, a fun, short piece of flash fiction, appeared in Flash Fiction Magazine.

We’re All in this Together, which appeared in Stone Coast Review.

Other works of published short fiction include The Minister of Sorrow, which appeared in The Red Line; The Value of X, which appeared in Typehouse Literary Magazine; A Christmas Story, which was published in The MacGuffin; and Diagnoses, which appeared in the journal Amygdala.

Joe Moldover is also the author of The Empowered Parent, a short work of nonfiction for parents and guardians of children with disabilities.

Joseph Moldover


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